Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Superfoods that Fight Depression

We’ve all had the blues once in while.  But when they happen on a more frequent basis, it becomes cause for concern. But there are ways to adjust your diet to help stabilize your mood. It’s imperative to eat meals at regular intervals in order to keep your serotonin levels in check, a chemical in the brain that has a calming effect.  Good nutrition is your best defense for managing depression. 

Carbohydrates are linked to serotonin production and lack of carbohydrates may cause changes in your mood. Here are more food ideas to help you combat depression and kick those blues.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon and mackerel are always a great choice for dinner.  Omega-3 fatty acids also help prevent heart disease and stroke and may help prevent some cancers. Plus, salmon contains selenium, an important antioxidant mineral. Be sure to choose wild salmon at the grocery store or local fish market, since it contains more omegas than farmed, or Atlantic, salmon.

A recent study indicated that people who suffer from depression also have lower levels of the antioxidant vitamin E.  So, though oil is high in fat and should be consumed in strict moderation, canola oil is rich in vitamin E. It’s a healthier alternative for sautéing foods and vegetables.

Dark green vegetables like spinach and peas are high in folate, a key player in the production of serotonin.  They’re also an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. Fresh is always the best option, as canned versions tend to have lower nutritional value. Legumes are also high in folate and protein and low in fat, and are an excellent option for those who are vegetarian or meat-restricted diets. 

Chickpeas are rich in fiber, iron, and vitamin E. For a simple snack, combine a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas with some minced garlic, fresh lemon juice, and olive or canola oil in your blender or food processor. Add salt, pepper and other spices as you wish. The resulting hummus makes a healthy and hearty vegetable dip.

Chicken and turkey are both rich in vitamin B6, which plays a role in serotonin production in the body. They are both a good source of selenium and other vitamins and minerals, too.

And please, if you’ve been dealing with the symptoms of depression for a while, please contact your doctor to discuss available treatment options and medication that may be available to you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Superfoods to Stomp out a Cold

Not only do healthy, nutrient-dense foods nourish your body and help the cells grow and reproduce, they also help arm your body’s defenses to ward off attacks from germs that cause colds.  Low-fat meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and whole grains all play a part in preparing your body to do battle.
Another important component of your anti-cold defense system is water.  When your body is dehydrated, it’s at an increased risk of germs latching on and not letting go. So be sure to drink plenty of water and decaffeinated drinks to help your body stay hydrated and ready.
Just one cup of yogurt a day may work to keep the gastrointestinal track healthier, which can help ward off colds.  It has to be yogurt with live cultures, as this is the key ingredient that helps keep the GI track ready to rumble. And an added bonus to eating yogurt - recent studies suggest regular dairy consumption helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.       
Garlic contains allicin, an antibiotic that has been shown to prevent complications from a cold in some research. Garlic can be added to many of your favorite dishes to spice them up and help you suit up to do battle against cold germs.                                                                                                                       
It’s been said an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, so can an orange. One orange a day provides your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Oranges are also abundant in flavonoids, which helps your body’s cells regenerate and stay healthy and strong. Green bell peppers are the vegetable family’s best vitamin C source. Add them to a salad, or simply slice one up and eat it raw.  Flavonoids are also found in peppers.  You may even want to prepare a green pepper dip seasoned with garlic for an added germ-kicking effect.  
Lean ground beef, especially when prepared with a bit of garlic, can maintain cell health and fight off illness. It’s a good source of protein, selenium and zinc, and when eaten with a bit of tomato, is a great defense during cold season.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Superfoods for Fighting the Flu

Breakouts of the flu are responsible for millions of lost hours at both work and home each year, not to mention many miserable days trying to recover.  If you’re wondering what you can do to naturally boost your immunity and prepare your body’s defenses, study the foods you’re eating, look at your family’s meals, and make the changes needed to ensure everyone is eating a well-balanced diet abundant in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, low-fat proteins, and complex carbohydrates.
Black currants are even richer in vitamin C than oranges, containing approximately three times the recommended daily intake for adults. It’s imperative that you get plenty of vitamin C since it helps prevent infections and helps keep the immune system healthy.

Pork has high levels of zinc and selenium, both of which help keep your immune system strong. It’s also one of the best sources of B vitamins and contains only a little more total fat than beef. So be sure to include lots of pork entrees in your menu planning.  

Mix up your morning breakfast with a glass of grapefruit juice instead of orange juice for a vitamin C-rich drink that's both sweet and tart. However, you should check with your doctor if you're on certain medications for blood pressure, AIDS, anxiety, or hay fever, as mixing grapefruit juice with certain drugs can lead to dangerous toxicity.

Brussel sprouts are a great vegetable source of vitamin C, are high in fiber and contain lots of folate as well.  They improve anticarcinogenic glucosinolates, which have important cancer-fighting properties. They’re a great addition in a stew to provide lots of fl-busting nutrients.

Yogurt that includes live cultures has a positive effect on your GI tract, and as a result, helps the body purge the germs from the body more quickly and effectively and fight the flu. You want your yogurt to contain the active culture L. acidophilus, which is also helpful in fighting off yeast infections.

Potatoes are one of the most affordable sources of vitamin C, and nicely complement any entrée with their high levels of potassium and fiber.  The skin contains the most fiber and the flesh just under the skin contains the most vitamin C. Fresh potatoes are the best source of vitamin C. Be careful of how you choose to prepare them, as soaking them in water robs them of their germ-busting vitamin C.

Whole wheat pasta is also rich in niacin, fiber, and iron. Its complex carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet that will keep your immune system strong.  Simply substitute recipes calling for traditional pasta with the whole wheat variety instead for a delicious and nutritious twist on your favorite pasta dishes.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Superfoods for Super Bones

Many people believe that the primary cause of osteoporosis is the lack of calcium in their diet.  However, in the overall picture, calcium is only a small piece of the puzzle.  Though calcium supplements can certainly help, there are other dietary concerns that need to be examined.

Actually, the primary dietary cause of osteoporosis is the eating foods that are highly acidic in nature, such as refined white sugar, refined white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks, cookies, candies, sweets, desserts, and anything containing sweeteners. The over-consumption of these products causes the pH level in your blood to become very acidic. In an attempt to counterbalance this, your body reaches out for any calcium and magnesium it can find, and releases those into your bloodstream in an attempt to keep the pH level at a healthy balance. 

Therefore, with every soft drink, candy, cake and goodie you indulge in, you are robbing your skeleton of its bone density. The calcium and magnesium the body harvests in an attempt to counteract this acidic environment gets passed through your kidneys, where it can also contribute to kidney stones and exits your body through your urine. To prevent losing your bone mass to dietary causes, simply avoid consuming any white flour, processed sugars, added sugars, soft drinks, sweets, candies, breads, or any other ingredients that are made with refined carbohydrates.  

In addition, certain superfoods, like broccoli, cabbage, celery and other dark green leafy vegetables help keep the pH balance in a healthy equilibrium.  You need to get plenty of calcium and magnesium from healthy sources such as organic, plant-based vitamins. You also need to supplement your diet with various sea vegetables, which are naturally alkaline. Those include seaweed, kelp, and many others. Sprouts are also an awesome superfood choice. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Superfoods that have your Heart in Mind

Heart disease is number one killer among both men and women in the United States. And though we all realize that eating nutrient-dense healthy foods help reduce the risk, we may not know which foods are the best choices to battle this deadly disease head on.
The key is stepping up fiber and choosing unsaturated fats.  Eating unsaturated fats, like omega-3 fatty acids and olive oil, can help to reduce triglycerides.  And a diet rich in soluble fiber, which is often found in legumes and some fruits and vegetables, helps to decrease LDL cholesterol levels.

Sardines are an awesome source of omega-3 fatty acids, along with calcium and niacin. You can prepare fresh ones on the grill, or canned sardines work great in salads or sandwiches.  Mackerel is another excellent source of omega-3s, and is full of selenium, which is an antioxidant mineral which may help protect the body from heart disease and cancer.  A great way to get omega-3s on the go is by grabbing a handful of walnuts for an afternoon snack. Add some to your green salad, or give chicken salad a nutrition boost by adding ground walnuts.

Kidney beans are an affordable source of high fiber, are low fat, and have no cholesterol.  Add them to salads and chili, as they truly are almost a perfect health food. Since canned varieties tend to be higher in sodium, try to use the dried varieties whenever possible.

Whole-grain barley is rich in soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which is good for combating constipation. It’s also a good protein source and has a good supply of iron and minerals. Choose whole-grain barley cereals, or substitute whole-grain barley for rice and pasta side dishes once a week.

Oatmeal is a great way to boost your fiber content early in the morning, and it also has a low glycemic index, which helps to provide lasting energy stave off hunger.  Choose rolled oats, and add some raisins, apples, and honey for flavor. Instant oatmeal isn’t a healthy option as it’s usually loaded with sugar.